Writer of Code | Slayer of Bugs | Contributor to OSS | Seeker of Jobs

I’m Ujjwal, a self-taught dev. Currently I’m working on issues for Buildpacks & Linkerd.

Recently I became an organization member at Cloud Native Buildpacks as Platform team contributor.
I was also nominated as the Linkerd hero for September.

Looking for a dev to join your team? Look no further! DM me ;)


Beyond Tech

Self proclaimed cricket expert. My batting style is right-hand free wicket and bowling style is extras.
My humor is like new food - might be great, might be horrible, depending on your tastes.
Movies and tv shows provide me a getaway from unpleasant realities like climate change.
Manga and anime connoisseur, mostly shonen.
Trying to fall back in love with books.
Always up for a good meme.